Hereford, Angus, Shorthorn etc
Judging in this section starts at 11 pm sharp
1st Prize €80, 2nd Prize €50, 3rd Prize €20
Important Notice for Cattle Exhibitors
General Rules:
Note for information regarding Movement of Bovine to Shows
The Department of Agriculture implemented a number of changes on the 4th February 2019 which changed the procedures and criteria applicable when applying for a Certificate of Compliance for the movement of cattle. These also impact on the certificate which is required when moving bovine to a show.
As is currently the case the Movement Notification Section of the Certificate should be completed by the keeper and the Show Secretary who must clearly indicate the Show Number. The Show movement should be recorded on the passport. Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling these requirements lies with the Show Secretary. If the animals move to a herd other than the source herd, the new destination herd must complete and sign the certificate also. Completed forms should be sent by the Show Secretary to the local RVO within 7 days of the show. 2 of 16 Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine.
No entries permitted on day of event.
All Animals must be haltered & trained