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69: Champion Heifer

Cattle Section Sun 24th Sep 2023
Sponsored by
Michael Stapleton Farm Supplies & Services

The champion Heifer will receive the   

 "L.Larkin Memorial Cup" 


Cattle Section - Commercial Cattle Only - Opening Notes

Judging in this section starts at 12pm sharp

1st €100, 2nd €50 and 3rd €40



Important Notice for Cattle Exhibitors

General Rules:

  • Certirficate of Movement is MANDATORY and must be printed, signed and presented to the secretary on the day of the show.
  • All Stock to be haltered and led by Exhibitor only.
  • All Animals must be within the TB test limited laid down by the Department of Agriculture and Food
  • All Animals must be correctly tagged.  Documents and animals must be correct and will be inspect by the Department of Agriculturs offers before entry will be allowed
  • Intending Exhibitors are advised to ensure that their Public Liability policy covers the exhibition of Bloodstock/Livestork at public shows.



No entries permitted on day of event.

Cattle Section

All Animals must be haltered & trained

This is a Championship Class. Entry via Qualifing Classes.
Qualifying Classes
Class 60: Best Heifer in Show Open (not more than 2 teeth)
Class 61: Best Butchers Heifer - Sponsored by O'Connor Food Hall
Class 62: Best Breeding Heifer